

Are you lacking enthusiasm and positivity for life? Do you often feel negative towards yourself and others?

With positivity coaching, you will be guided through a process to reveal your values and motivation. You will learn to look for the positives in the negatives. With the help of visualisations to prepare you, you will plan how to react to negative situations before they occur so you are already prepared.

I will support you in achieving a positive mindset and approach to life.

Anxiety and stress

Many people experience the negative emotional and physical impact of stress and anxiety and do not know what to do to reduce this so they continue to just cope and never really reduce it to a manageable level. Sometimes stress and anxiety levels are so high that people have anxiety attacks and live very restrictive lives.

You will identify your triggers and work through a variety of methods to overcome your anxiety such as, cognitive behavioural techniques, face the fear, visualisations, distraction, mindfulness and meditation.

My clients find new ways of managing and reducing their stress and anxiety and feel happier. 

Ideal life or career and finding my life purpose

Feeling unfulfilled or stuck in your personal life or career can cause you to feel lost and out-of-balance. And for those who have not yet discovered their life purpose, enjoying life can feel like a constant challenge.

I will guide you through a self-discovery process to help you reveal your ideal life and career, and to find your life purpose. With my support, you will make effective plans and set achievable goals that make a difference to your life.

Life transitions

The stress and despair caused by being confronted with a life challenge, can cause you to feel exhausted and confused with an inability to see a way to overcome it, make the right decision and move forwards.

I will support you in dealing with a major life challenge by helping you to look at multiple ways to tackle your issue, improve your confidence around decision-making and support you as you move forwards.


Does a particular relationship leave you feeling unsatisfied and negative? Do you experience difficulty communicating clearly to others or maybe you have frequent painful arguments? Do you lack confidence around others and have low self-esteem?

My clients experience more satisfaction in their relationships both at home and work. And they learn ways to communicate effectively, reduce arguments, set boundaries and feel more free in their relationships.

I will assist you in improving your self-esteem and creating a more positive mindset.